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We can all make a real difference

three primary school girls

IGWR is an Australian charity that helps vulnerable families in Nepal. We have a special focus on supporting single mothers and children who need support to attend school or a safe home. For twelve years we’ve been making a real difference by giving opportunities that enable these women and children to blossom and find a sustainable future for the whole family.

"When we give a child an opportunity to go to school and then on to college, we create a future for the child and renew hope for the family and local community. It is more than charitable work, it is an investment in a better future for all."

Peter Humphris, Chairperson, IGWR Inc.

Our Board chairperson with a class full of students
Our treasurer with one of the IGWR girls in Nepal
A happy child blowing bubbles
 sharing a happy moment with Raja
We give a piece of ourselves as we support  children in need

Single mums are amazing, they sacrifice a lot and work harder than most of us can imagine. However, with our support they can give their kids the opportunity they themselves never had.


Most of our students live at home with mum (usually a one room home), and we ensure the kids can go to school and that mum is supported.

We're currently supporting about forty students in full time education, from primary school through to university.

And we make a real difference..

We have graduates that are now working in healthcare (including one doctor and three nurses), banking, hospitality and even running their own small business.

Some children do not have a safe home to live in.  We have three houses in Kathmandu that provide a family style hostel with resident house-mothers to look after these children during the school terms.

We encounter new challenges every day


As governments around the world balance their budgets between billionaires tax incentives, defence spending and foreign aid, it is clear which category comes last.

Although IGWR receives NO government funding, the situation in countries like Nepal worsens as foreign aid is withdrawn.

We as volunteers, sponsors and donors are the ones that make a difference.

And we are needed now more than yesterday.

quote, small drops make an ocean

Thank you for each and every donation, for together we are able to build a family of families and make an ocean of difference. See our latest news here:

newsletter image

Newsletter from Nepal.

          December 2024

Vol. 9 of our newsletter produced by Zoya, received this initial response.

"Another year full of new beginnings comes an end. Bringing us many joyful
memories, sad ridden goodbyes, joyous
celebrations and many new opportunities'. 2024 will be a year to remember

quote, what you do makes a difference

A brief update for November 2024.

Following a recent visit to Nepal members of the IGWR committee come back inspired and delighted.

it is a gift we receive each time we see that we really can make a positive difference in today's world.

A child sleeping on the streets

We can all make a difference

During our visit to Nepal we can see everyday that our sponsors and donors are the generous supporters that enable us to make a difference to the lives of kids in Nepal.

Together we give life and opportunities to vulnerable families.

"I do not understand why there are kids in poverty when it only costs the price of a cup of coffee a day to give them life"

How you can help

Donations in Australia are


Holding hands with the vulnerable

1. Join with us and become a regular sponsor, you'll discover IGWR, you will make a real difference in the lives of the kids and you will discover that we receive something wonderful when we share with others.

2. Make a one off donation or run a fundraising activity to support our work. This again can be an inspiring experience as you join together with others to create a gift for the kids in Nepal.

3. Redirect your birthday and Christmas gift lists to the kids in Nepal. It's also a great way to share the whole idea that generosity creates a better tomorrow.

We have so much more to share about the work we do and how inspiring it is to make a difference and contribute toward a better tomorrow.
Thanks for taking time to be here, and follow the link for our newsletter and project updates....

In Giving We Receive

We invite you to share with us in this rewarding initiative; and together  make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children

global giving top ranked award
ACNC Registered Charity


Phone: 977-9813 2266 94

Registered Charity: 31 156 195 461

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